IVe Congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences (SPS)
1-3 Jun 2012 Montréal (Canada)

Call for papers

Conference structure

(1) Plenary talks.

(2) Symposia. A symposium is a group of 3-4 talks around a specific theme. Duration: 1:30-2:00.

(3) Individual communications. Talk (30 minutes) or poster.

The theme of the 2012 conference is "Science, philosophy, society".
During the conference, various aspects of the relation between science and society will be discussed. Example questions include:

Are scientific norms of the same nature than social norms? Are scientific explanations of the same nature of explanations used in social life? What is the impact of public and private actors on scientific practice? To what extent is scientific practice constrained by social and cultural aspects? Is scientific culture part of culture tout court? Can a feminist conception of scientific practice be conceived?

The theme is not compulsory. Any subject relevant for the philosophy of science, broadly construed as to include any reflection upon science, its concepts and practices, as well as theory of knowledge, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of technology, bioethics and medical ethics, is welcome. The society nevertheless encourages submissions within the remit of the theme of this year's conference. Plenary invited contributions will address these issues.

Contributions format

      1. Deadline

All contributions should be submitted at the latest on January 8, 2012.

      1. Contributions format

All contributions must include a short and a long abstract written in French or in English. Short abstracts will be entered directly on the submission platform in the appropriate input field. Long abstracts must be uploaded as an attached file. Both .pdf and .doc format are accepted.

        1.   For a symposium:

    • Title
    • Short abstract (maximum 250 words) decribing the general topic
    • A long anonymous abstract, in a separated file, describing each contributions to the symposium (symposium : 4 speakers maximum, 2500 words maximum)
        1. For an individual communication:

    • Title
    • Short abstract (maximum 250 words)
    • An anonymous long abstract in a joined file (maximum 1000 words)

      1. How to submit

All submissions must be made exclusively electronically via the website: http://sps2012.sciencesconf.org

The heading “Submission” appears only after having registered on the SciencesConf website.

Important: for authors affiliated to a French institution, during the submission procedure, under the heading “Affiliation”, the authors will necessarily have to provide the EPST code of their laboratory (e.g. for the CNRS and the university, it will be of the form UMRxxxx, EAxxxx, etc.).

      1. Results

The program comity will inform contributors on January 30, 2012.

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